A ONE Institute
Apr 20, 2024
Seize opportunities with aptitude and attitude!
Today, I want to share a message that I’ve always wanted to convey to students through various conversations. There will be a time when students have to choose a profession, shedding their student status. I’ve included some thoughts that would be good to consider before getting a job. I hope you find it helpful.
Today, I’ve chosen to talk about something that students might want to consider as they graduate and start their careers.
I often hear these questions from students and parents: “I’m interested in math and science, what major should I choose?” or “I enjoy reading books, what major should I select?” It’s hard to give an accurate answer based on such superficial information, so let’s start by dividing WORK into four categories:
A. Dealing with people - Entrepreneurs, doctors, managers, restaurant owners, salesmen, etc.
B. Dealing with documents - Lawyers, accountants, professors, accounting department jobs, etc.
C. Dealing with inanimate matter - Computer programmers, engineers, architects, artists, etc.
D. Dealing with body dependent - Athletes, dancers, ballerinas, singers, etc. When choosing a profession, it’s important to consider not only the job itself but also your personality.
• Extrovert People with extroverted personalities are well-suited to category A jobs, which involve dealing with people.
• Introvert Introverted people tend to be well-suited to jobs in category C, which involves dealing with inanimate matter, or category D, which involves using the body.
If you have an introverted personality but want a job in category A, you may need to make an effort to change your personality. However, it’s not easy for someone with an introverted personality to become extroverted. You can try to change your personality by trying on different styles of clothing, getting a tattoo, gaining a lot of experience on stage, etc. Unfortunately, even with effort, your personality may not change, so it’s best to choose a job that suits your tendencies. It might be necessary to think about what kind of work suits you based on the four job categories. Students who want jobs in category B, which involves dealing with documents, need to develop a habit of reading a lot because their main task is to decipher and interpret what others have written. However, it would also be very helpful to develop the ability to assemble something while looking at a design drawing. One thing to note is that students often misunderstand something.
The job I want ----> The job suits my aptitude is not a direct connection!
Even if you have a certain job, there may be something else that suits your aptitude. Forbes magazine conducted a survey of entrepreneurs, asking them what led them to their current profession.
The results showed that
Accidental Chance (29%)
Trial and Error(27%)
Related to previous job (12%)
Opportunities missed by previous employer (7%)
The survey results show that very few people end up in the job they want that suits their aptitude.
What was the reason that a chance encounter could lead to a job?
Aptitude & Attitude
It’s aptitude and attitude. They seized the opportunity because their attitude towards the work given to them was different, rather than because they had found their aptitude. I’ll share the stories of two people who had different attitudes.
• Stacy Gardella, who attended Emory University Despite being a part-time worker at Outback Steakhouse, she did her best in small tasks and stood out to the manager with her exceptional service spirit. As soon as she graduated from college, she joined the company’s headquarters. After joining the company, she was promoted rapidly within five years and became a director. She is currently serving as the vice president of WERNERCO.
• Virginia Azuela, a Filipino immigrant who worked as a cleaner at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel She applied the knowledge she gained from quality management training to her work, memorized the names of all the guests in the room, developed new cleaning methods, etc., and thought about ways to work more efficiently within her assigned tasks. As a result, she received the highest award in the hotel industry, the Five Star Award, and the Malcolm Award. No matter how low their position seemed and how trivial their work seemed, they were able to seize tremendous opportunities because they worked hard with their own philosophy.
There’s a message I want to emphasize to students.
Don’t be a person with the attitude written on the left, be a person with the attitude on the right.
Many 20-somethings, whether they’re company employees or students, often think they should only work as much as they’re paid, but it’s important to show your abilities first. There’s a saying that the wheel of compensation turns slowly, but it accelerates later. You must not forget that it takes a long time for the fruits of compensation to accelerate. I hope you think that you need to show your efforts for a long time to be recognized for your value. The time you work is less important than the qualitative results. It’s also necessary to have an attitude that remembers this.
The importance of reading can never be overstated, but students find it hard to read. By telling the story of two students, I can motivate them to have a will to read.
Here’s how: Think about the difference in reading volume between two students, student A and student B.
If student A devotes Saturdays and Sundays to reading for 3 hours each, that’s 6 hours of reading a week. If there are 50 weeks in a year, that’s 300 hours of reading. If student B reads for 1 hour a week, that’s 50 hours of reading in a year. The time the two students spend reading ends up being a difference of 6 times. This can be said to result in a knowledge difference of 6 times. In other words, this means that the money student B earns over 6-7 years, student A will earn in just one year. If you tell students this, it will motivate them to read a lot. Today, we talked about things you should know before getting a job. It’s good to know what kind of personality you have when choosing a job and to do something that suits it, and I hope you become students who seize opportunities with your attitude and mindset when working. In a place where there are relatively more opportunities than in other countries, good luck will pour down like rain if you work diligently even on small tasks.
Today’s post was about fundamental things rather than academic information. I hope you become someone who seizes opportunities with aptitude and attitude.
Thank you for reading today’s post.