
All through reasoning
1. Top Quality Lectures
2. Classes for Small Elite Group
3. Solid In-house Textbooks
We help small groups of elite students deliver the industry's highest average scores.
Our specialized, focused classes allow us to work with students more directly and effectively, and we have had remarkable success with improving student test scores.
After identifying each student’s strengths and weaknesses, we develop an annual plan for the student’s courses in school and develop a plan to raise his or her GPA. We then create a detailed plan about the timing and the length of preparation for SAT/ACT and AP exams, absolutely achieving the goal within the set period. The plan should be developed as “my goal is to get an SAT score of 1550 within five months” rather than “my goal is to get a 1550 on the SAT.” If you want to achieve a goal within a certain time limit, please consult with us.
A ONE's unique textbooks are based on years of research on U.S. middle and high school curricula and analysis of countless tests and exams.
Our meticulous research methods are ongoing, as we carefully analyze even the most recent and upcoming tests and competitions.
4. GPA Management
5. Review System
6. A ONE Analyst
The key to success in college admissions is GPA management, which demonstrates commitment. Student grades heavily depend on whom their teacher is; failing in just one course can drastically affect overall GPA. Improve your GPA with us and benefit from our detailed information on the traits of individual schools and teachers.
All of our lectures are videotaped. You can watch the recorded lectures as much as you want if you missed anything in class or just want to watch it again. We also conduct ongoing review tests to identify students' areas of weakness and offer tailored practice questions for students in these areas.
This is the automated system developed by A ONE for the analysis of student test results. The system analyzes areas to study for improvement and provides additional test questions accordingly, naturally improving test scores.
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